Your Spirited Flesh

By: Marjory Mejia

priestess of the sun

Priestess of the Sun via anyaadores.blogspot

“Re-examine all you have been told at school, or church, or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem, and have the richest fluency, not only in its words, but in the silent lines of its lips and face, and between the lashes of your eyes, and in every motion and joint of your body.” ~ Walt Whitman, from preface to Leaves of Grass

The vision of spirit over matter is delirious. They work together, beautifully. It is time to heal the split between spirit and matter:

  1. Feel desire breathe life through your spirited flesh, not the desire you have been spoon fed by media, society, and modern / post modern culture all your life, but the desire that gradually awakens when you meet your soul.
  2. Follow this ancient, newborn desire to the space where your naked self reveals itself, where feelings, emotions and intuitions expose the body of the wild, indomitable, raw and tender rhythms of your power.
  3. Unveil the heart of this life enhancing, mind bursting, sky opening, blood warming, body and earth trembling desire, ready to nourish every cell of your being, every strand of your consciousness, every particle and wave of your spirit.
  4. Express the new found voice of desire rising in swirling motions from the depths of your being and radiating well beyond the edges of your skin.
  5. Ride this gem of desire with laser-like focus until it tells your story, spills out on the page, runs wild and free.
  6. Let desire flow until it erodes, combusts, and explodes the tightly wrapped patterns that limit your expansion into a thousand stars in the night sky.
In sacred contact with landscape

In sacred contact with the land. Photo by Andrey Yakovlev ego-alterego

basking in golden glow

Basking in golden glow. Photo by Olivia Malone

Don’t miss any steps! ;) With love,

Get flowing!

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Aug 14, 2013
Categories: writings