Visionary power

By: Marjory Mejia

We need to look back in order to see forward. Looking back is a gift of reflection, meditation and awareness. What you find can fuel your journey with the fire of inspiration, with the taste of surrender to the current of life and mystery unfolding moment to moment.

My word for 2011 was: ripening. I did feel like fruit ripening in the sunlight. Fruit nourished by the deepest tree roots, sustained by earth, water, air and love. So much tenderness, gratitude and reverence for a 2011 of deep remembrance. A cycle of lessons, teachings, offerings, gifts, synchronicities and miracles.

How have you digested 2011? What did you learn, absorb, remember and how will this energy nourish your life force in 2012?


“Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. ”
~ Anais Nin

Kiss the old year good bye. Sweetly, fiercely, magically, let go of anything that holds you back, anything that dims your light. Back into the current of life.

Today time feels like a friend that I am getting to know, intimately. Like a fluid stream. Like someone I love, no longer rushing to get anywhere. Somehow, quite gracefully, I can relax into the softness of this moment and savor it, love it, more fully and unconditionally.

Here is a well loved poem  I’m sharing again to inspire you. May you feel the flow and spirit of this poem like ocean waves softly touching the shoreline of your being.

What to remember when waking by David Whyte:

In that first
Hardly noticed
In which you wake,
Coming back
To this life
From the other
More secret,
And frighteningly
Where everything
There is a small
Into the day
Which closes
The moment
You begin your plans.

What you can plan
Is too small for you to live.

What you can live
Will make plans
For the vitality
Hidden in your sleep.

To be human
Is to become visible,
While carrying
What is hidden
As a gift to others.

To remember
the other world
In this world
Is to live in your
True inheritance

You are not
A troubled guest
On this earth,
You are not
An accident
Amidst other accidents,
You were invited
From another greater and greater
Than the one
From which
You have just emerged.

Now, looking through
The slanting light,
Of the morning
Window towards
The mountain
Of everything
That can be,
What urgency
Calls you to your
One love? What shape
Waits in the seed
Of you to grow
And spread
Its branches
Against a future sky?

Is it waiting
In the fertile sea?
In the trees
Beyond the house?
In the life
You can imagine
For yourself?
In the open
And lovely
White page
On the waiting desk?

What you plan is too small for you. You are a sacred vessel of flow. Say yes to being, opening, receiving, giving and letting life flow through as you engage with the world.

I want to beg you, as much as I can…to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
~  Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

My word for 2012? See the picture on top of this post. Feel it in your heart. What does it evoke for you? Pictures speak a thousand words and more.

Wishing you a gentle transition into a luminous 2012, may it be a year of beautiful awakening.

With love,


Get flowing!

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Dec 31, 2011
Categories: writings