The Voice of the Feminine in 2018

By: Marjory Mejia

The year 2017 was a year of transformation in my life including the deepening of my healing path blessed with love and partnership. All unfolded in the midst of the collective shadow surfacing, affecting our nation’s environmental, social, and political landscape. I pray to stay rooted and open, to feel both the joys and sorrows of living, to let the difficulties open our hearts rather than close them. I pray that the suffering we experience and witness wakes up the power of our voice and the sense of agency latent in our hearts.

This new year, I continue to feel the call to more fully inhabit myself, to open to the magic of nature as I venture into the unknown and soften to receive its many powers. Growing roots in a different land turns me more deeply towards the magic that unfolds and reveals itself when I follow trails of inspiration leading me on a path to the heart of all creation. New life invites us to risk who we are for who we might become. But we must give it our all.

I have been meditating on how to awaken to the magic that is already here, finding ways to lift the veils of separation inhibiting our experience of oneness within the exquisite multiplicity of our world. But alas, this sense of magic seems elusive, a foreign language, an ancient memory. Magic is the realm of the feminine. In a masculine world that praises control and expresses that which is linear, rational, productive, rigid and loud, how can we reveal the space for feminine flow that is organic, silky, wild, nourishing, intuitive, sensual and mysterious? What can we do to change the narrative that oppresses the feminine and activate that dormant part of us that can sense magic and sacredness all around?

Emptying out on a regular basis cleanses our lenses, lightens our heart, clears away the dust. Shedding and letting go of what no longer serves our life force allows us to trust, to risk, and dance with life, more fully, more joyfully. Slowing down invites us to inhabit a stillness that gives birth to our feminine nature ready to bless our relationships, our spaces, our offerings. Integrating art as a practice connects us to our souls. May nourishing the deepest parts of us give rise to wonderful creations. And may we remember to be kind to ourselves, each other, and this sacred Earth, Pachamama.

From the depths of women who feel the call of the feminine rises the voice of the Earth. It is an ancient voice, primal, dark, fertile flowing like a serpent from the womb, reclaiming the power of the land, moon, and stars.

To all our relations with love, aho mitakuye oyasin

I will be offering Make Space for Joy (Group Skype Sessions | Feb 15-March 17) &

Sacred Flow Sessions (Individual Skype Sessions) winter.

I would love to work with you if you feel the call!

Get flowing!

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Jan 18, 2018
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