Liberating the story underneath

By: Marjory Mejia

Today I am digesting memory, experience, life.
Revisiting space filled with memory, memory filled with space. Slowly emptying out by the power of flow, these moments that live on forever. Fragments of time kept alive in the inner coils of memory, longing to dispense their medicine, yearning to flow through us. In a way, they remain stuck. We push them away into those deep recesses but they creep up with a life of their own. They stand like ripe fruit still uneaten, lingering in the branches of our consciousness. The Sacred Vine wants to be received whole, one pulsing breath at a time.

Unearth the story underneath. Liberate it.
Read the story of your life backwards. You might spell out a different meaning, a subtler message running through the veins of an old story. A new story revealing itself from the rich compost of experience. Suddenly, you realize something that you didn’t quite see back then. You are free the moment this realization sinks into your bones and somehow opens the gates of your heart. Love is always there. Don’t miss the love that is part of everything.

Feel the ancestral pull of nature.
Ancestral is the pull to remember, to make whole and discover the nature of flow. Flow is not homogeneous. Flow is punctuated, colored, layered by moments that narrow and widen, darken and lighten, descend and ascend through the landscape of your heart. Nature calls you to shift the way you look at things. Here is a short meditation captured on video in a moment of flow in that delicious space in between, where the sea meets the land because:


“There’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.”
~ Sarah Kay

Feed your senses, feed your soul.
Dear wanderer, enjoy a poem I love to inspire your voyage through the landscapes of nature that feed your soul. The light sand, the warmth of the air and whispering wind, the waves of the ocean, the soft glowing sunshine all colliding in a healing moment of both touching and being touched by nature. As the great writer and poet Borges affirms:

“The word must have been in the beginning a magic symbol, which the usury of time wore out. The mission of the poet should be to restore to the word, at least in a partial way, its primitive and now secret force. All verse should have two obligations: to communicate a precise instance and to touch us physically, as the presence of the sea does.”

Let yourself be moved by this beautiful poem:

For the Senses
By John O’Donohue

May the touch of your skin
Register the beauty
Of the otherness
That surrounds you.

May your listening be attuned
To the deeper silence
Where sound is honed
To bring distance home.

May the fragrance
Of a breathing meadow
Refresh your heart
And remind you you are
A Child of the earth.

And when you partake
Of food and drink,
May your taste quicken
To the gift and sweetness
That flows from the earth.

May your inner eye
See through the surfaces
And glean the real presence
Of everything that meets you.

May your soul beautify
The desire of your eyes
That you might glimpse
the infinity that hides
In the simple sighs
That seem worn
To your usual eyes.

~ John O’Donohue

Today, in this moment, what wants to flow to the surface of your being, awareness, consciousness? Like this gorgeous flower, may you give yourself to all that you truly love. May your emerging essence find expression  in the spaces you inhabit as they welcome all that wants to be seen, experienced, shared and loved, rising to meet the world.

Get flowing!

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Feb 12, 2012
Categories: writings