Get closer

By: Marjory Mejia

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." Leonard Cohen

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen

I took the picture in the background of this beautiful message one day wandering through the streets of Miami. I saw a beautiful pattern of what appeared to be cracks in the surface of a low wall on the street. I saw mountains and valleys in these cracks resembling the shape of a beautiful landscape.  They had a mind of their own. I was transported, immersed in their world, mesmerized by their beauty.

And so here I am, still breathing in the beauty of that moment. I love beauty that catches me off guard, melting mind and flowing heart.

Today, you can open your awareness to something in your field of vision. Go ahead, get closer, remember the art of intimacy. Release your search for perfection. Get messy. Appreciate. Observe. Be transformed.

“Things wabi-sabi..beckon: get close, touch, relate. They inspire a reduction of the psychic distance between one thing and another thing; between people and things.” ~Leonard Koren,Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers

Because it is time to play together! More on the beauty of wabi-sabi soon! With love,

Get flowing!

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May 3, 2012
Categories: writings