A feast of flow and feminine space in the Amazon

By: Marjory Mejia

Vibrating to the rhythm of a sacred land, I arrived home. Shaken into the space of my heart until I could see my whole life shining through the prism of love. I now understand the meaning of these words:

feminine space in the amazon

“In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.” ~ Alice Walker

In search of my mother’s garden. And my grandmother’s and so on… a labor of love.

When a woman aches for her lost garden, she sets on a journey to find it. This wild, creative and fertile space leaves signals along her spirited path, lovingly waiting for every woman’s return.

It is never really lost or damaged or broken. This space just lays there, intact, waiting to activate and unfurl you in the most expansive flow. Bless the portals that take you there: art, poetry, music, ritual, breath, space and more, dancing to the rhythm of connection, expression and purpose. A new landscape forms in your body ready to take the song of the earth.

“Like a shaman’s drum, the beat of a poem can literally entrain the rhythms of your body: your heartbeat, your breath, even your brain waves, altering consciousness. Most poems are working on all these levels at once, not just through the rational mind.” ~Kim Rosen

The Amazon was more than I could ever dream of.. In every fiber of my being and spirit, art, nature & space collided in a feast of flow and ancestral remembrance.

Replenished, revitalized and renewed, I am ready to create more art, writings, and take on new clients! I look forward to being of service and working with those of you who feel the call to virtually work one-on-one to revolutionize your space and reveal the radiance, creativity and flow of your being in conversation and collaboration with all life. Let’s play together and create beautiful sanctuaries for our souls!

I feel more than words could articulate in this moment. I wait patiently to share. Kind thanks to each and every one of you for being part of this sacred flow journey! I am deeply honored, touched and inspired by your presence dear ones. May we all tend to the garden of our souls and our beloved earth with love and care,

In Spanish:

A finales de mayo del 2012, vibrando al ritmo de una tierra sagrada, llegué al lugar que fue el hogar de mi abuela: Iquitos. Allí,  fui sacudida hasta tocar el espacio de mi corazón, hasta poder ver mi vida a través del lente del amor. Ahora entiendo el significado de estas palabras:

“En busca del jardín de mi madre, encontré el mío.” ~ Alice Walker

Cuando una mujer extraña su jardín perdido, ella emprende un viaje para encontrarlo. Este lugar salvaje, creativo y fértil deja signos en el camino, pacientemente esperando su retorno.

Este jardín nunca se pierde o deja de existir; mas bien, permanence ahí, intacto, esperando activar y desarrollar su fluidez mas expansiva. Maravillosos son los portales que la llevan ahí: arte, poesía, música, ritual, naturaleza, bailando al ritmo de su conexión, expresión, y propósito. Un nuevo paisaje se forma en su cuerpo listo para recibir la melodía de la tierra.

El Amazonas es más de lo que se puede imaginar. En cada fibra de su ser y espíritu, el arte, naturaleza y espacio colisionan en un festín de fluidez y recuerdo ancestral.

Get flowing!

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Jun 13, 2012
Categories: writings