April, 2011

i flow, rooted in the soil of my own heart

“I am rooted, but I flow.”

~ Virginia Woolf

i am

daughter of river, sea and wind

every drop of my soul

held in the waters of life


i grow

roots deep in the earth

arms reaching high in the sky

planting seeds in other hearts


i flow


rooted in the soil

of my own purpose

and becoming


i feel

my swaying body

in the hands of winds

whispering change

sweeping away

the insides of my core

with tender love


i sense

a certain softness

in the air

a sacred opening

in the workings


rustling my wings

ruffling my feathers


i listen

to the beautiful sound

of waves

shifting my edges

in swirling motions


i dwell

in that luminous space

bright with movement

a gentle breeze

getting me ready

for flight



let me in

I’ll take you there.


MarjoryMejia signature



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Apr 7, 2011
Categories: writings